Corporate Social Investment

A partner is an individual or company who collaborates with our organization to support our mission and make a positive impact. You will be called a wise partner in our case. Each of our partners has something to offer, so we encourage our supporters to support them. A wise partner also comes with benefits. If you want to become a wise partner, please contact us vanessa@thewiseant.net

Value First - Pay Later: 
Digital Marketing for Small Businesses

DB Digital

"We help growing small businesses anywhere in South Africa with top digital marketing services, web development, search engine optimisation (SEO), and social media advertising."

Visit DB Digital

Building Bonds: The Heartbeat of Business Branding


"Gazebo World is a high-volume production house and home to the best quality branded gazebos and supplementary branding displays in South Africa. Our in-house facilities include: Direct to Textile and Dye Sublimation Printing, UV, Latex Printing, and a comprehensive in house CMT Finishing department. We stock the largest gazebo range in South Africa with options for every budget and application."

Visit Gazebo World
Stick Together: Infusing Compassion into Business Identity

"Our focus over the years has always been to exceed your expectations and looking back at the testimonials received on our various sites, we believe that we have been largely successful. However, we are not ones to rest on our laurels and in 2013, we took the bold step of entering an international online retail competition to benchmark our website and service."

Visit Sticker And Label SA